“Growing Healthy Premium Produce in Partnership with Nature is our Priority“
BOSTOCK New Zealand is one of New Zealand’s leading growers and the largest organic apple producer with a proud history of sustainable growing practices. The company is 100% owned by John Bostock and is based in Hawke’s Bay, one of the cleanest and purest growing environments in the world.
The company has been exporting premium produce for more than 30 years – growing and marketing high quality organic apples, squash, onions and grain as well as exporting conventional apples on behalf of independent orchardists.
Promoting Good Environmental Practice and a GMO Free New Zealand
The BOSTOCK New Zealand philosophy is to work in partnership with nature to grow healthy and delicious produce, using sustainable practices to protect our land for future generations.
In every activity the company is always looking for long-term sustainable relationships with a view to ongoing business including customers, staff, suppliers and the environment.
We are fortunate to be operating in one of the most pure, clean and green locations in the world. It is our duty to leave the fertile soils, rivers and underground artesian aquifer undamaged for future generations to enjoy.
We are a family-oriented company and committed to the wellbeing of our staff and protecting the environment.
Organic Products in New Zealand
BOSTOCK New Zealand supplies organic apples, onions, pumpkin and organic apple cider vinegar to supermarkets and small specialist stores across New Zealand.
Our BOSTOCK organic products can mainly be found in selected New Worlds, Countdowns, Costco, Farro Fresh, Pak’nSaves and other specialised retailers.
The demand for safe, natural organic products is growing in New Zealand and we are expanding our range of organic apples locally. The organic apple varieties we grow for the New Zealand market are Royal Gala, Dazzle, Braeburn, Fuji, Granny Smith, Kanzi and Cripps Pink.
If you would like to see BOSTOCK New Zealand organic produce in a retailer near you, please contact us.
Sustainable packaging that aims at minimising environmental impact is a big focus for us. As we are increasing our organic footprint, we are committed to providing New Zealanders with more organic choices. We are constantly evolving by leveraging technology and by working with innovative packaging companies in finding ways to reduce plastics waste and packaging going to landfills. We aim at leading the way in providing more environmentally friendly packaging in our industry.
Some of our Bostock New Zealand organic apples are already packaged in recyclable, cardboard trays and in soft, plastic recyclable bags. We were also the first New Zealand apple grower to trial fully home compostable fruit stickers back in 2019, which gave us a gold medal for environmental innovation at the Pride in Print Awards. Since then we have also produced fully home compostable vegetable netting for our large organic onions. As a large portion of our brown onions are exported to Europe, we have made sure our compostable netting meets the EU’s tight compostable standards and food safety regulations.
Sustainable packaging for fresh produce
Compostable fruit stickers
Our compostable sticker can be added to your garden composter to break down.
Some of our organic local market apples are already been packed in eco-friendly recyclable cardboard trays.
Recyclable cardboard trays
The netting is made from FSC-certified beechwood and will fully break down in a home composter, landfill or worm farm in 90 days.
Compostable vegetable netting
Bostock New Zealand’s Growth over the years.
BOSTOCK New Zealand is 100% owned by John Bostock, one of New Zealand’s leading growers.
John Bostock is the man behind BOSTOCK New Zealand and the pioneer of commercial organic apple production in New Zealand.
John and his wife Vicki started out as conventional apple and squash growers in the 1980s. They lived on an apple orchard with their three young boys and quickly became concerned with the industry’s liberal use of pesticides and other artificial substances, so they started looking for healthier and safer alternatives. The couple started converting their Hawke’s Bay apple orchards to organic in 1996. They were the first growers to approach organic apple production on a commercial scale.
In 1999 John purchased a minority shareholding in DM Palmer (DMP), a major exporter of primary products. In the years following, the company increased exports to include a wider range of New Zealand grown fruit and vegetables. In 2003 John bought 100% of DM Palmer.
After many years of positive growth. John decided to consolidate and simplify the various brands and re-launched as BOSTOCK New Zealand in 2015.
BOSTOCK New Zealand now exports to over 20 different countries throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America.