For many reasons teaching and learning are taken outside because of the lack of space in the school. The facilities and infrastructure are not supporting the teaching and learning pathway. The school needs a classroom to cater for the year 5 & 6 students and another classroom for the school library. The year 5 & 6 students as well as the administration office and library have been sharing the dining hall which was built by the European Union (a small space), therefore the students are usually requested to have lunch outside on the dining hall verandah. In addition to this, having a 2m space rule due to COVID19 protocol has been extremely hard to follow.
With financial assistance and support the village will be able to provide the best and safest learning facilities for the students. They will receive the quality education they deserve. This project will benefit the entire village as well as many future generations of Viro. The project is should be finished by May 2024.